Marksbury C of E Primary School

Marksbury C of E Primary School
Educating generations to succeed

Public Sector Equality Duty

Governors, staff, and pupils at Marksbury C of E Primary School are committed to promoting outstanding practice in respect of equality. The Governing Body complies with its duties under the following acts:

  • Equality Act 2010 and its 2014 amendments
  • Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) 2011
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended)
  • The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000

 In particular we:

  • Celebrate the diverse nature of our society.
  • Foster positive relationships between people who share protected characteristics and those who do not.
  • Are committed to advancing equality in all areas of our work.
  • Are determined to tackle discrimination in all its forms.

 We are opposed to all forms of discrimination on the grounds of protected characteristics: race, gender, disability, religion/belief, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership and gender reassignment, including those forms directed against individuals and groups on the grounds of their colour, racial group, ethnic, cultural, or national origins, traveller and refugee status and asylum seekers.

We use the Partnership Trust Equalities objectives in order to realise the school’s commitment to equality:

  • Achievement:

o   We are committed to improving the attainment and raising the aspiration of all groups of pupils.

  • Teaching and Learning:

o   We will ensure that our curriculum promotes understanding between different groups of people, cultures and societies, tackles stereotypes, challenges pupil’s perceptions and promotes British values.

Behaviour and safety:

o   We will maintain a rigorous anti-bullying stance so that all pupils are protected from harassment and discrimination, and deal with the use of discriminatory, homophobic, or otherwise offensive language in line with our behaviour policy.

  • Leadership and Management:

o   Consistent application of our policies and procedures, ensuring that our systems for recruiting, retaining, and managing staff support all those in groups protected by the Equalities Act.

o   We will endeavour to raise levels of parental and pupil engagement in learning and school life, across all activities, including regular attendance.

Please CLICK HERE for our Equalities Duty in Practice statement