Marksbury C of E Primary School

Marksbury C of E Primary School
Educating generations to succeed

Lunch menu

We have a very high percentage of our children having school dinners. Staff are encouraged to join the children in the school hall, most of them have school lunches also. Please check below to find out what we are enjoying for lunch at Marksbury School.

Dinner Menu Sept 2024

Packed Lunches

As a school we follow the government guidelines to promote a healthy school. 
If school were to provide your child with a packed lunch, these are the guidelines we would have to follow. Please can we ask you to do the same please. We believe it is hugely important to promote healthy eating and lifestyles at primary school. 

The standards school packed lunches have to meet:  

  • Meat, or a vegetarian alternative, should be provided at least twice a week
  • Fish once a week
  • Lunches can include dairy sources of protein, such as cheese, as an alternative to meat.
  • A starchy food e.g. wraps, wholemeal bread etc
  • At least one portion of fruit or fruit based desserts should be provided daily
  • At least one portion of a vegetable or salad daily
  • Dairy food e.g. yoghurt
  • Drinking water will be provided so please do not send in any drinks
  • Savoury crackers or breadsticks served with fruit, vegetables or dairy produce. 

 Packed lunches must NOT include: 

  • Confectionery – sweets of any kind
  • Snacks with excess added salt, sugar or fat
  • Deep fried products (see below)
  • Sweetened drinks  

School meals children are given chips once a week on a Friday. We are asking packed lunch children to only bring crisps to school on a Friday. 

We are sorry school cannot store many flasks or drink bottles (in addition to our water bottles). However, we are happy for your child to bring soup to school, in an appropriate flask. Please do not send your child to school with a drink that is not securely sealed, in their packed lunch as we have had several mishaps.